Monday, April 26, 2010

Time to Live & Let Go


I guess its about time.
My next phase in life is closer than i ever doubt.

Its about time to...
Start Loving what i love.
Start Treasure the things i care less
Start Loving things i hate

Because from then onwards
time is gonna be very very precious

So let be the opportunity comes
and strive for success!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I just pass by the end of the road.
And i'm walking towards an uncertain journey.
Never knew how the outcome would turn out.

Bringing along some acquaintances to ease the pain a bit.
Share some jokes and merry bout the problems.
From time to time they'll eventually leave with no where in sight.

They're not to blame, really they are not
We have our own dreams to own.
So, Best of Luck is all i could say,
Cos this note didn't matter anyway.
But, Hopefully you'll get what you want someday.

A note to some friends...
Kalau ku selidik...
Akal mu, Wahai sejarahwan.
Terhakislah ingatan, terkikislah kelumpuhan
Kepincangan semalam, dikelabui ke-kelabu-an.
Maka bertaburanlah cerita-cerita kemenangan.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Disinggahsana ku bertandang,
Mencari teman buat bercanda.
Bersilih ganti mereka datang
Hanya sebilangan yang tersisa.

Soal hati buat bicara,
Untuk teman yang istimewa.
Sudi kah engkau menatapnya,
Agar aku tak hilang arah.

Disaat ini aku tak menduga,
Tatkala waktu pintas sekelip mata.
Setiap perkara ada permulaannya
dan di setiap permulaan ada tirai pentutup nya.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In many instances,
without realizing,
we complaint
for what we lacked.
In many intances,
without knowing,
we are saddened
by those who leave us.

In many instances,
without thinking,
we hurt others
with things we say.

And when we finally realized and understand,
we have ourselves to be blame.
Its another end to a new beginning...

Tatkala angin mendayu-dayu
Di sapa badai datang menggalak.
Jiwa tempiar lari melulu
Terombang ambing Dibuai ombak 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm so stressed up for being skeptical to myself.

This week is gonna be a tough week for me. 
I hope i'll be able to pull it through with not too much struggle.
Well, it seems every week i live in fear of what is to come for as Friday nears.

So much pressure... so little time... So much work... so much to study...


Cari mencari, Terjenguk-jenguk

Kais mengais, Terbongkok-bongkok
Naik bedan badan ku, terkeruk keruk
Damai lah kau 
Kan ku Nanti, Kan ku Rayu dan Kan ku Pujuk...

Jage jage...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hati ini bagai emas,

perlu digilap selalu.

Bak semua mutiara,

dibiar pastu kelabu.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

she reminds me of someone ...
someone far far away...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Let's focus on school.
I have a month to go and a mountain to climb.
Presentation, Video clip Project, 2 Class tests,
Negotiation Interview, a re-test(pending) & Final Examination.

HELP !!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Let's do something different

So surprised i am.
Got news from Dot.
A help he needs from me.

So grateful i am.
Willing he is to let me start this out.
Nervous at the same time.
Also scared too.

Well, start somewhere everyone has to.
Hmmm... Let see, can i do what.
Relieving it seems.

Looking missing i am, hold up !!!